Workplace Coaching and Mentoring

The mentor is trained to best coach individuals based on their strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, values, and beliefs, allowing mentors to be more effective at helping employees achieve success. Training also ensures the information provided by the employer will be understood and applied correctly.

In addition, it provides opportunities for feedback from both parties so that any issues or concerns are addressed immediately.

Our one-on-one coaching and mentoring program uses a goal-setting methodology to assist participants in building personal career-focused road maps and integrates leadership personality trait measurement tools to promote self-awareness. Employers are given pointers on how to inspire confidence among their employees and develop deeper professional relationships. One of the objectives of this program is to assist participants in developing ways to bridge the gap between the coaching they receive along the way and career-pathing.  


Mentor and Coaching Program Development

Northern Compass can assist you with developing an effective, structured mentoring program for your organization. We will work closely with you to identify potential mentors within your organization to prepare them for leadership roles. Everyone becomes a  mentor-in-training to learn from his/her own experiences while also providing valuable feedback to others.

There are many benefits associated with coaching and mentoring, these include:

Improved performance

Coaches and mentors help individuals improve their skills through practice and repetition.

Better communication

Open and effective communication allows team members to feel supported and valued. As a result, there is less confusion and conflict about expectations and roles within your organization.

Increased productivity

Employees who receive regular coaching and mentoring have better time management skills, translating into increased productivity. They learn what works well for them as they progress towards achieving their goals.

Higher morale

People enjoy working with others who care about them and want to see them succeed. A positive environment leads to higher levels of motivation and engagement.

Enhanced career development

When someone receives positive reinforcement while learning something new, they retain this knowledge longer. Therefore, coaches and mentors encourage growth and development within their team members, which manifests in a happier and engaged workforce.

Increased motivation

Employees who receive consistent positive reinforcement tend to have higher levels of energy and enthusiasm than others. When people feel good about themselves, they perform better. A great way to motivate your team members is to praise them publicly when they do something right.

Our Approach to Training

Training Programs

Northern Compass Consulting offers customized training programs, which include:

Mentoring 101

A one-day workshop providing participants insight into the mentor role. You can learn about different types of mentoring relationships; understand the importance of matching mentees with appropriate mentors; explore various approaches to creating successful mentoring partnerships, and discover ways to build strong mentoring cultures.

Mentoring Training Series

This series consists of three workshops focused on helping people become better mentors. These workshops provide practical advice on identifying and selecting good candidates for mentoring positions; understanding mentoring relationships; building positive working relationships between mentors and mentees; and managing conflicts when they arise.

Mentoring Skills Workshop

Participants receive instruction on specific skills needed to effectively manage mentoring responsibilities, including conflict resolution, communication strategies, coaching techniques, and time management

Why Choose Northern Compass?

Secure a Northern Compass professional to serve as your career coach and mentor. Consultants employed by Northern Compass have undergone extensive mentorship training and have gained over 20 years of experience in mentoring and mentoring program development. Northern Compass Consulting has assisted several organizations in structuring formal mentoring programs designed to foster learning communities in organizational environments. 

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