Operational Assessment

The goal of a successful company is that of strategically planning for not only near-term goals but long-term goals that can provide stability and continued growth in alignment with the vision, mission, and values of its organization. Northern Compass consultants can assist your organization by working with you and your team to analyze and evaluate your current business processes. This evaluation includes analyzing your organization’s human capital, reporting, fiscal responsibilities, and technology to provide a sustained proactive, integrated, and actionable strategic plan that aligns with your organization’s mission and future objectives.


What is an operational assessment?

An operational assessment is a comprehensive review of every aspect of your operations – from finances to people, products, processes, procedures, policies, and everything else that makes up what you do. It includes a detailed look at how well you’re doing now, why things aren’t going better than they should be, and how to get them back on track. This type of evaluation helps companies ensure their resources are being used effectively while also helping managers and employees understand what needs improving and when it might happen.

Our Approach to operational assessment

Our Approach

Our approach focuses on identifying key areas where improvements are required to achieve sustainable success.

We use an iterative process that involves:

  • A thorough understanding of your organizational structure;
  • An analysis of all aspects of your operation, including financial performance, customer service, product development, marketing/distribution, sales & distribution, manufacturing or production, research and development, quality assurance, facilities management, logistics, IT infrastructure, and other aspects of your organization.
  • Identification of potential barriers to achieving desired results;
  • Development of strategies to overcome these obstacles;
  • Implementation of solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Ongoing monitoring of progress towards achievement of goals; and finally
  • Evaluation of outcomes achieved against original expectations.

We believe this methodology will help ensure that we deliver value through our services.

Why choose us?

Northern Compass has been conducting operational assessments since 1999. Our clients have included small businesses, large corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, universities, and educational institutions. As part of our commitment to excellence, we offer an initial consultation, ongoing support throughout the project, and customized reports based on each client's unique situation.

Our team consists of experienced consultants who can assist you in identifying areas where you need assistance and providing guidance as needed. Research is conducted, so we know what questions to ask and then use our expertise to find answers to all of them.

How can we help you?

Contact Us Today For A Free Initial Assessment Of Your Organization Or To Learn More About The Many Ways In Which We Can Help You Achieve Success.

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